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letters from katherine

If you are waiting for something big, something soul aligned, something true to you, something that you know is destined for you, this message is for you. If you are waiting for a baby, a love, a soul mate, a soul friend, a promotion, a house, a bigger business, something new you want to work towards, something big... It can feel like it's not coming. It can feel like it might not be meant for you. It can feel like you might have to wait forever.

I have a story for you and parts of it I haven't ever shared before. (Also, just a warning, I share about losing a child in the paragraphs below.)

My husband Tony and I met in late 2006 after I made a trans-American move from Boston, Massachusetts to Anchorage, Alaska. I had recently experienced the end of an eight year long on-and-off-again relationship with a man and made a move to Alaska because my parents were there. Tony and I started dating in a whirlwind in the early part of 2007. At that time, Tony was in the Air Force and had moved to Alaska a year prior from Korea.

In the early autumn before I met Tony, I wrote in my journal about the man I desired to walk into my life. I was very detailed. At first, right after we met, I almost missed that the man I describe in my journal was Tony. It took some time to get to know him and he was sweetly persistent that I was the one for him. In time I realized he was the man I dreamed up in my journal. And funny enough, if one event had happened in a different way, if he had been chosen to move to Europe after his year in Korea like he wanted, or if I had decided to not move to Alaska, we wouldn't have met at all.

The winter of 2007 was cozy. We loved hanging out together, and went on frigid adventures to find glaciers. We didn't know where we were headed, but in February of 2007 we found out two things (1) I was pregnant after about a month of serious dating and (2) Tony just received orders to spend 4 months in Iraq starting in May. I didn't want to rush things. I was fine having his baby, but I sure wasn't ready for marriage! So, Tony went off to Iraq and I stayed in Anchorage, worked as a psychotherapist at a local hospital and became the vessel for our little girl.

Before I became pregnant, I was ambivalent about being a mother. But, once I started to feel the micro changes in my body, I fell deeply in love with this soul inside me. We were cosmically connected and I had a fierce need to protect her. In August of 2007, I was six months pregnant and to make a very sad story short, we discovered our little girl wasn't going to live outside of my body. She had a rare, genetic form of a lethal, skeletal dysplasia and her organs were outgrowing her bones. We named her Hazel, and she died on August 15, 2007. Tony came home from Iraq in September, and we were married in a sweet chapel in Hawaii in October. One of the most beautiful gifts Hazel offered me, was this gorgeous, soulful man who was able to take care of me through the phone and internet lines during our intense grief. I knew I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.

After losing Hazel, I was plagued with the desire to be a mother. I wanted it deep in my bones. I wanted to fill the hole that Hazel left. I wanted to nurture a being for life. I walked by beautifully fertile and pregnant women and thought "Why not me? What's wrong with me? Why can't I have a healthy baby? And, why did she have to go?"

I wanted to be a mother so desperately. Just like I had wildly wanted to be in a happy relationship, before Tony came along. I knew in my heart they were out there... the soul connected family of my own... but I didn't know how they were going to come to me, and I wasn't 100 percent sure they'd find me. For each person I wanted in my life, the life long love and then the babies, I harbored so much anxious fear that they wouldn't find me. I worried I wouldn't do the right thing, or that I would screw it up and they wouldn't come. I fretted that I would be alone forever, and that wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want to be alone.

But they came. And they came once I became an energetic match for them.

Tony came to me. Hazel came, and Jack and Liam came a little later. They all came. All of that desperation and need plagued me, but they just had to arrive at the right time.

And, that's what I want you to know.

If you desire it fully, and know in the depths of your soul that it's meant for you... it's coming. It might come in a way or in a form that you didn't expect, but it's coming. What's meant for you will not pass you by.

The baby. The child. The love. The relationship. The successful business. The promotion. The best soul mate friend. The right idea. The move. The shift. They are all coming. Don't give up before the manifestation arrives. Allow for the lessons to teach you what you need to know, but don't give up.

It isn't about luck, or blessings, or any other form of specialness. You don't have to "do it by the rules" or know what the magical concoction is. You can't screw it up.

Here's some energetic steps you can do to attract in that soul thing your are desiring:

1.) Be super clear what you desire (like I did in my journal about my soul partner).

2.) Feel into the experience of having what you desire in your life, and hold it.

3.) Let go of the feeling of lack, or unworthiness or just plain anxiousness. Let go of the idea that it isn't meant for you. It's either this or something better.

4.) Allow yourself to know it's coming. It's on it's way. She's on her way. He's on his way.

5.) Make room in your life for it to arrive so that you're ready.

6.) And hold in your heart the knowledge that it's out there energetically.

And, if you feel a deep sense of lack (similar to what I did every time I walked by a pregnant woman after losing Hazel, which seemed like in the winter of 2008, every single woman I passed by was pregnant), use examples out in the world not as a symbol of your lack, but a symbol of hope.

Also, this a story to go deeper into at another time, but I did a lot of spiritual healing around my sweet Hazel, to know that she is always with me. I can feel her in every rain drop and gust of wind, see her in every snowflake and flower, and feel her energetically as an integral part of our family.

I love you.

xo, Katherine

If, on paper everything looks good, but you are getting a feeling that something isn’t right, your intuition is likely saying “whoa babe, take a second look at that.” But why is it so hard to listen and act on what our intuition is telling us?

Below are six legitimate reasons why we ignore our intuition. These are all valid reasons it can be so hard to choose ourselves over everything else.

1.) We don’t want to let someone we love, like or respect down.

In this circumstance, our need to please outweighs our need to honor ourselves. We don’t want to disappoint or let others we care about down. This could also be related to feeling like we might lose something… perhaps there’s a fear that we will lose a friendship, a loved one, a raise in income or the valuable opinion of our bosses.

2.) We said “yes” already and we don’t want to go back on our word. We don’t want to lack integrity.

People are counting on us and we don’t want to let them down. We hold ourselves to high standard and to go back on our word feels without integrity.

3.) It’s easier to say “yes” and keep the peace.

We aren’t interested in the energy of whatever the issue in question is being a “big deal.” It’s easier to just go with the flow instead of making everyone mad.

4.) There’s some kind of “proof” that discounts our intuitive nudge.

All the social proof says this is the course to take, but we just have a feeling it isn’t right for us. Or all of our friends love something, but we aren’t vibing with it. We go with the flow, or discount our intution based on fear of missing out.

5.) Listening to our intuition may change how someone responds, likes or is in a relationship with us.

We are afraid of losing someone we love or deeply care about. It’s easier to just ignore our intution than speak up for ourselves, or to go against the grain.

6.) We don’t want to admit that what we agreed to isn’t right for us.

Maybe we signed up for something and now it just doesn’t feel aligned. Maybe we paid a lot of money for it, and we can’t receive a refund. Admitting to ourselves or to someone else that what we agreed to isn’t right might feel like a hard pill to swallow.

Each of these six legitimate reasons we ignore our intution can be the answer to why it can be so hard to listen and act from a place of grounded connection.

So, how do we train ourselves to listen to our intuition more?

First, tap into how your intution speaks to you. Perhaps it’s a feeling that keeps popping up, or a thought that keeps appearing in your mind. It could also be a physical feeling, like a sensation in your gut. A lot of people’s intuition lies in their stomach, aptly called our second brain. You might even feel “sick” about something that your intuition is questioning.

Second, when you do go along with your intuition, how does that feel? Is there a sense of relief? A feeling like a weight is lifted off your shoulder? And what does it feel like when you don’t listen to your intuition? What are the series of events? What thoughts do you have?

Third, ask yourself if the circumstance in question is a full bodied, all in “YES!” If it isn’t, ask yourself if there is a way to excuse yourself from the situation. You won’t always be able to get out something because you aren’t feeling enthusiastic about it. (For example, I don’t love doing jury duty, and I don’t show up with a full bodied “YES! I’m doing my civic duty!” But I also know that it is my civic duty to show up and participate in the process.)

Living in a way that is connected to our intution can be incredibly powerful. Feeling connected, on purpose and aligned all are results to listening to our intution.

Which one of the six reasons gets to you most? Come over to Instagram and tell me in the comments of this post!

If you’d like to dive further into creating an aligned life, check out my Aligned AF Toolkit. Inside I share with you how to tap into your intuiton and your alignment in a really deep and powerful way.

Who here could use more time?!

Oh, HI!  My name is Katherine and I desperately could use a lot more time.  Being a mama to energetic, twin boys, an entrepreneur, and with a hubby who isn't always around to help because of his work… I always could use more time.  Throw in how we do school now… and I could actually use more quiet time! 

Inside the short video below, I share with you three ways you can create and expand your time.

We get clear on:

>>How to be aware of what zaps your time.

>>How to notice what's taking up your time.

>>How to find ways to create more time.

Of course we all have the same 24 hours in the day, but with these tips you might feel like you have more! 

Watch the video below by clicking the play button! 

Are you ready for more time in your day and week?!

Don't forget to download my free guide Daily Rituals for a Magical Life! Inside I share all of the ways you can create three distinct grounding times and rituals during your day so that you feel good, get things done and even expand time. You can read more about it right HERE.

Katherine Phifer









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