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The Aligned AF Toolkit

The Foundation to Your Feminine Leadership

alignment isn't a one and done kind of thing.

Let's be clear.

Finding and creating alignment is an ongoing process.

There will always be things to knock you out of alignment.  

We don't live in a vacuum, after all.

If you have ever felt like you are blocked, not connected, or otherwise stuck, alignment is the key to getting to your next level. 

If you have ever felt like you get thwarted by life and then you spin out of alignment for weeks on end... there are ways to get back to your foundation.

If you've ever wondered why the cash isn't flowing to you, or why you constantly have drama going on in your work, or why manifesting love is so freaking hard... I have a feeling your alignment is contributing to your woes.

Once you develop a strong foundation for your alignment, you will find yourself easily using your tools to get back whenever you are thrown off.

And, even better, your alignment will support you to get to the next level you are striving for.



to be in a straight line or easy agreement.

as f**k, used for fun garnish and emphasis, fully.


When your feel fully aligned (Aligned AF)

you start to experience some really groovy things.

Everything seems to flow in a way that didn't happen before.

Your mind, body and soul feel connected.

Your work, your relationships, your entire life feels in alignment.

 When your entire world is Aligned AF... 

You recognize mis-alignment quickly.

You know what thwarts your alignment, so you are ready to counter it.

You figure out how to create amazing boundaries and structures

in your life to support your Aligned AF Life.

You know how to get back to your alignment quickly

and without much effort.

You see alignment as holistic...

and know how to impact your health, your relationships

and your work in order to take amazing care of yourself.

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 Included in your toolkit

  #1. THE AUDIO:  

  Get Aligned AF Daily

with the exact steps to

tap into your own alignment on a daily basis.

 #2. THE GUIDE:  

 Know exactly how to apply

the Aligned AF method to your fabulous life. 


 A bird's eye view of Katherine's life,

with the exact process of utilizing

the alignment spectrum, the alignment realms,

and the tools to be Aligned AF.


 Clear your chakras

 for ultimate mind + body + soul alignment 


 welcome to The aligned af toolkit

The Aligned AF Toolkit is a dynamic,

digital toolkit that supports you to experience alignment 

on all levels and in all areas of your life.

 We get really clear on: 

>> The alignment spectrum.

(All alignment falls on a spectrum between totally unaligned and fully aligned.)

>> Your alignment realms.

(What contributes to your alignment falls into one of four realms.)

>> Alignment and your soul.

>> Alignment and your mind.

>> Alignment and your body.

>> Alignment at work.

>> Alignment in relationships.

>> Alignment and money.

>> Alignment and social media.

>> How to quickly and easily get back to alignment.

>> How to recognize mis-alignment and alignment easily.

 Included in your toolkit: 


Get Aligned AF Daily 


Know exactly how to apply the Aligned AF method to your fabulous life. 

With Specific Journaling Prompts and Mad Libs Style Workbook to embrace and honor your alignment. 


A day in the life of Katherine, with the exact process of utilizing

The Alignment Spectrum, The Alignment  Realms, and

the exact tools Katherine uses to be Aligned AF.


Clear Your Chakras

for Ultimate Mind + Body + Soul Alignment 

Hey, I'm Katherine.

Nashville,Tennessee based business and leadership mentor, I support 

(mostly) women around the globe to run spiritually connected, soul 

aligned businesses and leadership roles while also up-leveling their relationships.  


I am a twin mama, sparkle lover, fairy light aficionado, online educator and mentor.  Throw in world traveler, podcaster and spiritual boss Queen.  I've never been one to color inside the lines.  In fact I've historically searched for a way to color on the outside of the box.  

Formerly a psychotherapist, I now support people to embrace their conscious and magical lives, run their businesses from a place of grounded soul AND own the power that they were born with.  

I'm all about the highest vibe, aligned AF life.  

My personal desire is to run the most soul aligned business,

engage in the most fabulous relationships

and to feel connected to my purpose and vision on a spiritual level.  


 I want the exact same thing for you too.

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