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You are magical being filled with so much power. Inside the first month we tap into YOU, your magic and your leadership style.


The Advisory is a high end, high touch, intimate container for the woman who desires to expand her life in multiple arenas.
Soul purpose definition and expansion meets yummy relationships meets conscious parenting meets juicy friendships meets money magic meets soul legacy...
Everything comes up sacred and abundant in The Advisory.
As the Sacred Soul, your life is yours.
Your life expansion relies on you.
It is all about your energetic frequency,
your magnetism to your desires and
your ability to embody your power.
You have come very far with the tools you have- you know how to hustle and grind. You know how to make things happen.
That degree you earned, that promotion you achieved, that business expansion
over the years...
none of that happened by accident.
You worked hard. You sweated. You woke up early. You stretched yourself.
You made it happen.
And, the life you built also didn't happen by accident. The household runs because of you. You are the glue to your microcosm of life. You are a powerful being.
I totally get it.
AND. What got you to all of your successes, won't get you to where you want to go.

The hustle, grinding, girl boss, MAKE IT HAPPEN energy isn't working for you anymore. Perhaps you are exhausted. Maybe your body, mind and soul are telling you that you are no longer available for the 24/7 always "on" energy. Maybe things in your relationships with your partner, or kids or friends feels lack luster or disconnected. Maybe you drink a little too much wine in the evenings, or you numb out on Netflix and ice cream.
And, maybe you want more in every arena of your life.
If you constantly take a birds eye view of your life and think "this it it??? "
it might be time to do something different.
It's time to lean in and love the legacy and life you are creating.
The Advisory is a very intimate container dedicated to your expansion. Think of it as your portal to elevate every aspect of your life- and specifically the area you most want to focus on. Relationships, Soul Purpose or Personal Happiness...
We cover it all.
The Advisory is a high level mastermind, and we get very grounded in your growth in every area of your life.
This looks like making the soul led shifts that you have desired for a long time.
The business/work recalibration that set you up as an abundant and happy leader.
The intimacy exploration that digs into the connection you desire with a partner.
The conscious parenting shifts that ignite a fabulous relationship with your kids.
The money moves to stack your bank account.
The health choices that connect you more deeply with your body.
The energetic calibration that allow you to hold a higher frequency.
The life expansion that lights you up from the inside out.
The luxury development that expands your realms.
The legacy moves that change lives for generations.
The sacred spells that hone in on your unique soul being.
The Advisory is​ designed for Your Juiciest Expansion
on Every Level of Your Life.
Each Advisory Portal is a six month invitation, with the option to extend if desired. Inside the portal we will recalibrate your gorgeous life, dive deep into your soul work, and infuse the sacred in every single area of your life.
The Advisory Includes the Following:​​
Weekly Mastermind Group Sessions.
Connect deeply with a small group of leaders who are infusing the sacred feminine into their lives and work- in the most elevated ways.
A 24/7 Advisory Facebook Group for Mastermind Connection with other Visionaries experiencing the same shifts, expansion and up levels that you are.
The Advisory Current Investment:
$1111 per Month
with a Minimum Six Month Commitment.
Pay in Full and Bi-Weekly Payment Options Available.
The Advisory is a high touch, high support, luxurious, sacred soul experience that will elevate and expand your entire life- and specifically your abundance and soul purpose.
It's all aligned and it all matters.
How you feel in your body connects with how you create wealth. How you operate in your relationships impacts how you do your work.
It is all connected and it all matters.
Inside The Advisory we get incredibly detailed and clear on how you desire to shift your life.
Spots for each Advisory cohort are very limited.
If you know this is for you, let's get you on the waitlist for the next cohort. Reach out to Katherine on Instagram messages to discuss The Advisory and all of the juicy details.
If you aren't on Instagram, feel free to email info@katherinephifer.com or connect with Katherine on Telegram (@katherinephifer).​

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