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You are magical being filled with so much power. Inside the first month we tap into YOU, your magic and your leadership style.


What if the key to blissfully leading your legacy was correlated with your
deep connection to feeling sacred in your life + purpose?
What if the next expansion in your business was in direct correlation to how connected you are to feeling sacred on a daily basis?
What if your legacy expands based on how much rest and nourishment
you experience, instead of in spite of it?
What if the way you were taught to run a company, to live a legacy,
to be in your expansion, was an outdated paradigm that wasn't designed for longevity or health?
What if the old paradigm didn't have your best interest at heart?
You created a legacy for yourself and for the world, but it feels like it's too much to hold. You are the leader at work and at home,
and while you wouldn't have it any other way,
it's exhausting.
You have deep and obsessive passion for your work, but you can't let it go. You are trained to constantly be grinding, constantly be "figuring it out." You want the expansion, you crave it; but you also deeply desire to be present to your loved ones and to nourish your temple knowing the bigger picture includes connection and health.
And, you don't want what every leader says is "part of the game" of fueling a legacy...
• You don't want to get sick because you gave all of your health and wellbeing to your work.
• You don't want to feel like you have to manage it all.
• You don't want to have one ear listening to your kids while a large part of your presence is figuring out the latest conundrum in your business.
• You don't want to go on vacation with your loved ones and be putting out fires in your work.
• Even more so, you don't want to feel like you have to work when you don't want to- on weekends or holidays, and whenever you decide.
• You don't want to swing by the closest fast food restaurant for dinner multiple nights a week because that's what you have time for in your crammed schedule.
• You don't want to be over committed, living in accordance to outside expectations of work, parenting and life.
• You don't want your legacy to expand in spite of you and your mental, physical and spiritual health.
You want freedom. You want fun. You want expansion. You want love. You want connection. You want SACRED.
With two autoimmune diseases, active twin boys, a partner who worked in emergency services and wasn't home for 40% of the time, and a very intense, life or death job (in crisis stabilization with teens) I burned out. My health was struggling. I wasn't sleeping. I drank wine every night to relax. I checked my email constantly for the latest shoe to drop. My nervous system was fried. I was the best at my job. I was leader at work. I was successful. And, when I started my business, I brought all of the same successful paradigms with me. And the first few years of my legacy work, I found myself drinking more wine, feeling more exhausted and looking for different ways to live out what I knew I was here to do. And, slowly I started to infuse the sacred into everything I did.

It's time to get sacred.
Let's dream of...

Waking up daily with a new mindset. Simmer over your morning cuppa and completely relax into knowing you can receive without "doing more."
Making decisions that reflect your new sense of power and worth, and see an instant shift in the way you converse and connect with your key relationships.
Operating with your strategic mind and your spot on intuition. Making moves from the point of view of “how can this make my life, work, business even more abundant?”
Feeling soft in your feminine magic, and strong in your direction.
Being highly clear on what gets your energy, and also what no longer serves you. This is reflected in waking up to new opportunities flowing in.
Establishing a team (of one or of many) that is as passionate about your work as you are.
Creating the standards, procedures and boundaries that empower you to work in your genius and to get the rest you deserve.
Enjoying your weekend and holidays without constantly checking in on your work.
Cooking dinner every night knowing that the food you make nourishes your body + soul and those you cook for.
Sleeping in the best slumber bliss, without worrying about how it’s all going to work out.
Spending weekends off of your phone and in the delight of your life.
Going on vacation knowing your business is built for you to rest.
Having a little afternoon delight with your love knowing that the energy only amplifies your mission.
Being fully present to your kids, loved ones, friends instead of one ear listening to them and the rest of your mind problem solving your latest business puzzle.
Eating foods, getting sleep, nourishing your temple, knowing your body houses your energetic frequency.
Reading books, listening to music, and having deep, meaningful conversations.
Creating a legacy that continues to grow, evolve and change over a lifetime without sacrificing anything.
The She's Sacred Blueprint
A bespoke portal for infusing sacred feminine magic and sacred masculine structure into your business and life.
Over eight weeks, you and I will clear out the old and unhelpful energy that is holding you back in your work and your life.
The magic of your expansion is found in the dance between the structures that hold your day and work together and the freedom to express your creativity.
Together will utilize your sacred energy to release the old paradigms of success you subconsciously lean on so that you can infuse more ease, flow and fun into your everyday life and your work.
As a sacred space holder, The She's Sacred Blueprint is your invitation and your container to create new practices, energetic alignment and healing.
By the time the eight weeks are over,
everything will be coming up sacred.
Phase One:
The first four weeks of The Blueprint will be about systematically releasing the old. You will discover and let go of the behaviors, mindsets and energies that no longer serve you or your work.
You will move away from...
Constantly feeling like you have to be “on.”
Feeling guilty about delegating.
​Feeling like if you rest while others are working in your company that you are a bad boss.
​Swinging through the fast food line for dinner because you never have time to whip up a healthy meal.
Churning in bed, losing sleep, and worrying about how everything is going to work out.
Drinking multiple glasses of wine or cocktails as a normal part of your daily life. Smoking marijuana frequently to relax.
Feeling depleted and disconnected. You are tired of having no energy for anything juicy or fun.
Putting yourself last in a long line of other people’s needs.
Feeling dry and crusty because you put everything first into your work and second into the rest of your life.
What worked for you before might not work for you now, and we will release what specifically isn't serving you.
Phase Two:
The second four weeks of The She's Sacred Blueprint will be about systematically infusing the practices, energetic alignment and mindset to strategically build your next iteration of work and life.
We will walk side by side as you create a whole new way of working and living.
Almost as if you quantum leapt to where you desire to be.
The Container:
The She's Sacred Blueprint is a 1:1 private container with Katherine as your psychic intuitive advisor and channel. Katherine will support you to hold the vision of your higher self, so that you can move easily and quickly towards your next level of expansion and growth.
The She's Sacred Blueprint container includes four 90 minute 1:1 sessions (recorded for easy playback), customized practices for you to keep forever and an eight week private Telegram space with Tuesday through Thursday personalized support each of the eight weeks.
The Investment:
The She's Sacred Blueprint
Two Monthly Payments of $1111
Or, One Investment of $2222
(Bi Weekly Payment Option Also Available)
Are You Ready?
Reach out to Katherine on
Instagram Direct Messages,
Telegram Direct Messages
or email at info@katherinephifer.com
to discuss the container and to enroll.