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The SIX codes to unlock + embody who you are meant to be and what you are HERE to do.

Energy Queen is a month long activation portal for you to fully embody, elevate and expand your soul purpose (what I call the “Three E.")

Wake up daily knowing, without a doubt, what you are meant to be doing in beautiful and purposeful life. 


The Energy Queen knows the secret to her success is the energetic frequency she cultivates through nourishing her mind, body and soul. 


She is always eager to expand her understanding of herself and her gifts, and feels deep down that the answer to her growing success is how she aligns to her desires.


She also knows that her desires are always in evolution, and when they come into realization, she knows how to manifest them with ease.


She's not afraid to go all in on what she wants because she knows she is the key holder to her power.


The Energy Queen becomes a master at shaping her energy for her greatest outcomes, in business and in life.

You know there is more in store for you.

The confines of “how everyone else does it” feels stifling.


You are tired of feeling like the manifestation bus missed your stop.


You wish you could wake up feeling ignited, on fire, and excited about the day.


Your days and your weeks feel like they pass by, with too many moments gone and feeling like you are spinning your creative wheels.


You created this beautiful life, but somehow you feel like you are missing it.


And, the dreams you had for your life as a young woman, even if you have accomplished most of them, just don't fit anymore. You are ready for more.


You have checked all the boxes, received the accolades, got the degrees, made the financial goals, and still, something doesn't feel right.


You want more.


And really, truthfully, you deserve more.

It's all about frequency.

Clear up energy leaks quickly and efficiently. 

Fuel your mind, body and soul with clean nourishment.

Create golden boundaries, standards and policies so that you work and live from an elevated space.

Elevate your law of attraction skills so that you magnetize your desires for your business and your life effortlessly (like magic).

Create a solid practice so that you know how and when to return to your heart, soul & purpose with ease. Recalibration becomes fluid and simple.

Amplify your soul mission with grounded power.

Become the Energy Queen and the Phoenix Queen too- get comfortable with burning down the old and rising into the new.


A live container of support.

6 CODES Delivered Over Live Video Sessions.

2 Deepening Calls.



You know, deep down, that you are in charge of your energy, but sometimes it feels like your day to day moves so quickly that you lose direction.


You know there is a better way to align to your purpose and desires, an easier way, but you just aren't fully sure how to work it. Even though you love a good practice, you crave something deeper than a morning routine or an evening ritual.


You know that the micro moments of your day create the bigger picture, but when things are moving so fast, and with a lot of pulls in different directions, how can you shift the micro moments in the moment?


You know that the key to your growth and evolution as a woman and as a visionary means constantly adapting and learning, but it would be nice if there were some guide posts along the way, right?


You want to be able to disconnect from your work passions over the weekend and on vacations, but that honestly feels like a fantasy. You would love to have the standards in place to be able to let go


You deeply desire to enjoy every facet of your life on the regular. You know that life gets lifey, but you also know the key to your next level (and all the next levels) is having fun and enjoying the day to day in your life.


You know that the time to walk in your soul purpose is now. You know you are the Soul Queen. You know mastering your energy is the key to aligning with what you desire.


That feeling of being in energetic congruence: 

Everything aligns from there.

Work feels easier

Business runs smoother.

Relationships feel connected.

Life feels good.

Moments flow.

You feel connected to your desires.

Money feels juicy.

Tasks feel easy.

Life seems to take on a new vibe.

When you are an Energy Queen, everything becomes magical.

The Container:

Live Supportive Container

6 Codes- Delivered Live Over Video Sessions (Recorded of course.)

2 Live Deepening Calls (Recorded for Easy Playback).

The Investment:



Are You Ready?



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