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You are magical being filled with so much power. Inside the first month we tap into YOU, your magic and your leadership style.


Part of the current human condition is
to hold back on our happiness.
We often say to ourselves that we will
be happier when something happens later.
When was the last time you said to
yourself that you will be happier at a later date?
When it Comes to Your Business or Work,
When Have You Said...
I'll be happier when I hit that money goal.
I'll be happier when 1000 people
are in my program.
I'll be happier when I have a full time assistant.
I'll be happier when I have a larger team.
I'll be happier when I don't have
to run my social media accounts.
I'll be happier when so and so quits.
I'll be happier when I get that promotion.
I'll be happier when this project is over.
I'll be happier when I reach that
business or career goal.
I'll be happier when I retire.
When it Comes to Your Relationships,
When Have You Said...
I'll be happier when I am in a relationship
or am married.
I'll be happier when my partner isn't so stressed.
I'll be happier when we get out of this funk.
I'll be happier when I have children.
I'll be happier when my kids are in school,
or older or grown.
I'll be happier when my bestie isn't so stressed.
I'll be happier when I have new friends.
I'll be happier when my friends honor me.
I'll be happier when my parent or parents are healthier.
When it Comes to Your Body,
When Have You Said...
I'll be happier when I am a certain weight
or a certain size?
I'll be happier when I am fitter.
I'll be happier when I feel healthier.
I'll be happier when I sleep better.
I'll be happier when I can do that fitness thing.
I'll be happier when I get my hair cut or colored.
I'll be happier when I do something about
these fine lines and wrinkles on my face.
When it Comes to Your Life,
When Have You Said...
I'll be happier when I have my dream car.
I'll be happier when we live in a different house.
I'll be happier when I have a garden.
I'll be happier when I can go on work retreats.
I'll be happier when I can live my
location free lifestyle.
I'll be happier after (or during) my vacation.
I'll be happier when I can work from home.
I'll be happier when things feel calmer.
I'll be happier when...

What if You Don't Have to Wait?
What if You Can Be
Happier Now?
Katherine's Story

Chasing my happiness used to be my most favorite unconscious game. When I {fill in the blank with literally anything}, I'll be happier. When I get my graduate degree and am working in the career I love, when I have the house, when I am married, when I have my own family, when I go on vacation, when I make a certain amount of money... any and all of it, but never fully happy in the moment, right now.
I didn't know how to "be" in the moment. I was wildly grateful for the life I had by privilege and the life I had built. But I didn't know how to be fully happy in it. And, I didn't really know how to make it even more my of my own and more fabulous.
I knew how to have fun. I knew how to laugh and have a good time. But deep down, I was searching for the next thing. I was searching for feeling settled, whole, complete and accomplished.
I built a life that was fine- but could be even better.
I loved my husband, my children and my family- but often we were just moving through the motions and not really relishing in our lives.
I was motivated by something bigger than me, but I wasn't sure what and I didn't know when I would get there.

I worked really hard to achieve the later goals. I tapped out my adrenals. I was determined to be the best and competed with myself to move towards my desires.
Two things I realized along the way...
1.) I was building a life that looked good on paper but wasn't actually fully me. It was cute, elegant, and beautiful even. But, it wasn't fully expressing my true authentic self. And, I still work to build a life based on her- the most expressed me.
2.) I was never going to be fully happy then- whenever I got to the goal or the thing I desired, if I didn't know how to be happy now.
I began to develop a formula for being happy now. Right now. In the mess of life, when I've met or manifested some goals but not all of them. I determined what it meant for me to be fully flourishing now. I don't have to wait. My happiness gets to happen now. It gets to happen before the next huge desires come into fruition.
Now, I work towards my happiness along the journey. I am committed to being a happy, whole leader. I love my life. I love my work. I love my family. I don't have to wait to get anywhere. I am already there. And, I continue to do the work and the work to stay there most of the time.
I am sharing that formula with you in my next masterclass, Happier Now.