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You are magical being filled with so much power. Inside the first month we tap into YOU, your magic and your leadership style.
She is the innovative leader.
The self assured woman, in the board room and the bedroom.
She leads and lives with integrity, purpose and power.
She is the Queen of her body, her mind and her spirit.
Her luscious curves and inviting body command her lover’s gaze.
Her intelligence and magnetism command her people’s attention.
Her community lifts her up and holds her tight. She is fully authentic in her presence with them.
She has healed the sister and persecution wounds that have kept her small,
pretending and hidden.
Her friends, lover and humans she leads know that they receive the best version of her.
She knows that it is her intimacy with her self and with all the people in her realm that allow her to be the commanding and magnetic leader.
The Ignited Woman is your year long Master’s level feminine leadership portal to elevate, expand, live and lead with power and pleasure. It is all inclusive.
It is your luxurious invitation to ignite within you and within everyone you lead, a healthy, connected and whole leadership paradigm.