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You are magical being filled with so much power. Inside the first month we tap into YOU, your magic and your leadership style.
From Scratch is where we begin again.
It's where we infuse all of the ingredients of our life, that we choose to keep,
and blend it into a whole new recipe.
We honor where we've been.
We release what we no longer need.
And we take all that we currently have, with a few new ingredients,
to create a masterpiece.
From Scratch is where we start.
Every Once
in a While
It's Nice to Assess
Where We Have Been,
Where We Are
Where We Are Going.
Inside From Scratch, the Workshop and New Beginnings Ceremony
we will blend both sacred ceremony with practical planning.
This is a potent time to ignite yourself into your next expansion.
We will utilize the time, space and energy to create
a plan for you to apply to your life right now.
So that...
... you listen more deeply to your soul calling.
... you make time, energy and room for your relationships.
... you connect to your role as a leader.
... you make room for more.
... you let go of the crap that is weighing you down.
... you unlock the doors you thought were shut forever.
... you make a plan that focuses on your support,
your expansion, your mission and your unique life.
This is a workshop + sacred ceremony for your next level you.
What to Expect:
Three hours to be in ceremony and workshop
to plan your expansion.
Inside the ceremony portion we will move with sacred energy to release the not needed and amplify what is. This is where the manifestation work of your expansion begins.
Inside the workshop portion we will move through a guided activation to
plan out your desires, dreams and manifestations.
This time together includes:
A lifetime access to the replay.
A workbook you can utilize anytime you want to begin again from scratch.
A 2023 Printable Calendar and Planner.
A coupon code for the price of the workshop + ceremony to use toward
any program with Katherine in 2023.
What to Bring:
Blank Paper
Pens, Pencils, Markers
Art Supplies if You Desire
(You can order this list from Amazon, but it isn't mandatory).
Your 2023 Calendar + Planner
(I will send you a digital one to print out.)
An Open Mind and an Open Heart.