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THE SHE'S SACRED SHOW | EPISODE ELEVEN: The Sacred Feminine Series: Feminine Authority

It's a whole new conversation about leadership over here. Feminine authority is your invitation to do what you do in a new way. In this episode we discuss:

How to use feminine energetics in your day to day life.

The cyclical living - creating structures to honor the cycles.

Leaning into our health, rest and nurturing so that we don’t get sick all of the time.

Allowing for more creativity and fun for energetic congruence.

Creating a frequency that others can’t help but match.

Want to dig a little deeper?


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Hello, and welcome back to the She's Sacred show with Katherine Phifer . I am so excited you're here, and I'm so excited to share with you part three of the Sacred Feminine series, where we're talking about feminine authority. One of my favorite topics to talk about is leadership and about running your life and your work and your mission from this very powerful, grounded, connected, soulful way. I have a series of stories about women in leadership positions who didn't really have it. They were mean or they were entrenched in their masculine and maybe even their toxic masculine. And I also have stories of amazing women who were very in their feminine authority too. So I have to put that out there. it hasn't all been terrible?. But the ones who stand out were the ones who were mean and and left people feeling less than or kept people on their toes on purpose. I feel like that is such a detrimental way of leadership. And I'm here to talk about it. So the sacred feminine series is a three part series where we talked first about the sisterhood wound and then about soft power.

And today about feminine authority. We are going to go right into another series about the feminine energetics and wealth coming up next. So stay tuned for that. We might just roll right into it. I'm feeling really on fire about these topics. Also, if you're listening to this in real time, we have a holiday sale going on right now until the end of November.

And everything pretty much is on sale. The sacred femme experience, which is my program to help you embody your sacred feminine is currently on sale. Energy queen, which is all about energetic frequency and magnetizing what you desire is on sale. I have a new program that I just launched in the past 24 hours and it is called La Donna Rica. It's all about the rich woman. And it's about feminine energetics and wealth that is on sale. And then I have a high level container that is six months long called the sacred bundle, where you get everything that I offer. And if you choose to pay in full, we will meet in Paris and have a beautiful VIP day.

I'm thinking about just selling the VIP days on their own, because I really feel like it could be a magical, elevating, expansive, experience where I just imagine walking in the Musee d'Orsay and looking at this gorgeous art by Renoir and having these deep conversations and then having lunch or maybe going to a cooking class and just talking about just the experience of cooking and then having dinner. Maybe we'd eat at the Eiffel Tower. Maybe we go to a cabaret show, just like really bespoke and catered to you and your desires, where we can also infuse these like deep level conversations around you and your life and your work and your business and the stuff that you come across and stuff that you have to deal with and how we can really elevate the conversation into new.

Paradigms and heights and energies, and it can be really powerful. So all that to say it's all on sale until the end of November for our holiday sale and check it out through the link in the show notes. And if you are listening to this past the end of November, 2024. No worries. Just go check it all out. Anyway, it might be on sale. There might be a promotion. There's lots of juicy energy coming in for 2025. And I really do feel like the world feels a little wobbly right now. And this is a great opportunity to lean in to connect and with our power and expand it in really powerful ways. The world isn't going to change unless we change.

The world isn't going to shift unless we decide to shift. And it's up to us, each one of us, to do things differently from now on. And I want to be a part of your expansion. I really do. Okay. So today we're talking about the new paradigm of feminine authority. Feminine authority. So I run a master class in the Sacred Femme experience about this topic, but I wanted to give you a little bit of a taste of what we talk about in there.

And I believe that feminine authority is really connected with soft power. It's really all about standing in your leadership, standing in your roles as a impactful person and infusing that with feminine energetics, which to me is an embodiment. practice. So feminine energetics is all about intuition, creativity, nurturing, rest, and receptivity, receiving.

And if you were like me, you were likely raised with the idea that All of that is secondary to meeting the bottom line, to extending yourself far beyond what you can do by wringing yourself out, by not resting, by utilizing competition and fear to get Things done. And while that might work in some arenas, I feel like at some point we all decide that it's not working for us and either our bodies tell us with illness, with falling apart, with just saying, Hey, I've had enough or our relationship struggle or our souls are screaming at us to do something different. Now, I'm not discounting that there are plenty of things that masculine authority brings to the table, and it can really be powerful and strong and full of boundaries and policies and standards and energetics around holding everything safe, and I really believe in that.

What I have found is when I can figure out what the balance is between the two, and I honestly don't love the word balance, but I haven't really come up with a better one yet. So we're just going to go with balance. So the balance between the two ends up being more even, then we start to allow ourselves to play in the energetics.

We go back and forth. We have these lovely structures and containers and policies and standards that keep ourselves safe. And then that gives us the opportunity to play, to be creative, to dance in the feminine energetics. This feels foreign. This feels so foreign to so many people, especially if you work within a corporation that really does lean into the masculine energetics, this will feel like it won't fit, but I promise you, if you try some of this out, it will fit.

And if you share it with your, the leaders of your corporation, Maybe things will start to shift a bit. And if you're in charge of your own company, then you can start infusing these into your leadership and your practices now. So feminine energetics aren't lesser. They're not seductive. They're not wrong. They're not meant to trick you. They aren't, I just imagine like someone saying, Oh, feminine authority, and then patting you on the head and being really condescending about it. And we, that's not it. I mean, come on, our bodies hold babies. And. can carry babies for nine months and then release them from our bodies.

There's nothing lesser or little or cutesy about that. There is nothing small about feminine energetics. One of the things that I think is really important is to think about the cyclical living and cyclical operations within your life and your work. So what that means is really connecting yourself in with the seasons.

And then if you want to take it further with the cycle of the moon, and you can really create structures in your work to honor those cycles, perhaps in the winter, because people are really tired. And are craving more rest, you implement some kind of structure that allows for that. If people in your business tend to work five days a week, maybe you let them have Fridays off.

Or maybe you implement a policy around using this, the seasons to amplify their energy. So in the winter, perhaps you support more rest and nurturing. In the summer, You support more play and fun. You can really create some structures within the setup of your work to support your people. And if you want to go even deeper with the moon, you could do some work and energy work around the new moon and the full moon each month.

Might be really cool. The other thing that I think is really important is creating a culture within your leadership that puts health first, that puts rest and nurturing first, so that the people that work in your entity and you don't get sick all the time. When you're exhausted, when you're not getting enough sleep, when you're pushing too hard, that's when our bodies decide, I'm not handling this well.

Stress is so bad for us and we need to be Really haven't faced that as a society about how stress, it really doesn't serve us well. And if we could do that, our whole world would open up and we would start to be able to implement, implement rest and nurturing as needed. a status quo and then feel really good and not be stressed out and not be wrung out and not be sick.

Another thing inside of feminine authority is the concept of allowing more creativity and fun for energetic congruence. So what that means is actually creating time and space for creativity, for bouncing ideas off of each other or allowing for time to dive into your creative side. And this really comes from my background in art therapy where when you are creative, when you are using your brain in different ways, you get different answers.

So , that's just , the magic and the beauty of art therapy and expressive therapy is when you are in your creative energy, you will get different answers about your work life. Try it. I promise it happens. Come join the Sacred Femme experience because the whole experience is infused with creativity.

And I promise you, you will, you'll learn new things about yourself. When you create room to be creative, when you create room to play, when you create room to nurture yourself, a whole different playing field opens up. It's like you reach the next level in the video game. And it all feels so good. So much more connected and elevated.

Often I feel like we get addicted to the churn of work and the hustle and the bustle and the idea of being really busy, but that's not what serves us in the end. What serves us is being very deeply rooted to our power and being able to show up with a calm and rested nervous system and elevate our missions and our legacies using that.

It gets to be so powerful and it gets to feel different. It gets to create a different kind of energetic frequency that others can't help but match. It really is a calling in and rising up experience. Feminine authority is really powerful. And I know if you're listening to this that you want more of it.

So let's dive in. Let's keep the conversation going. And let's change the world with what we know and with our energy. I know you're here to do great things. And I am too. And let's do it together. Okay. Until next time. Be well. Do amazing things. I'll talk to you soon.





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