For women running businesses, utilizing the sacred feminine is not fringe, strange, cute or even demure. For a woman creating and evolving her work, connecting with the sacred feminine is necessary and powerful.
Per usual in my world, the words I am using might feel a little “out there,” but I know that for the women who are ready to run their lives and their work in an energy that’s expansive, creative, and fun, this letter from me to you will resonate.
Let’s begin with my definition of the sacred, and what it means to be in the energy of sacred.
Sacred, in my opinion, means:
A connection with our own line to the divine.
Divinity in our selves.
Clean. Pure. Holy. Respect. Grounded. Clear. Awake. Unconditionally in love.
Everything that we engage in, from how we connect with our bodies to how we interact with others can be in sanctity. It’s all sacred. From how we eat, to how we decorate our houses. From how we parent to how we connect with our lovers.
And, if we are in the work of helping or serving others, our work likely has a large sacred component. A line to the divine and to ourselves. A “greater than us” meaning.
It’s not necessarily connected to religion. At least not for me. But, it could be for you.
My relationship with the divine is knowing, deep down, that the sacred within me is the reason I am here. My connection to the sacred (my own line to the divine) is connected to my soul purpose, and my soul purpose is connected to my happiness and my abundance.
And then the feminine piece is the energy of creation and creativity. Flow. Magic. Connection. (We will get to the sacred masculine in my next letter to you, don’t worry.) The sacred feminine, particularly in our businesses, is all about making the time, space and energy for that creativity to flow.
It’s knowing that sitting in your garden, drinking your morning cup of coffee or tea, watching the butterflies flitter with the flowers is going to fuel your next creative project. It’s knowing that devoting to good sleep is the best way to sustain your energy so that you can be the powerful activator and leader you are here to be. It’s fueling your body, knowing your temple is what you use to drive your mission. It’s making the space for the art to flow in, and then watching it come to life. It’s knowing that by devoting to our sacred feminine energy, we become the best channel, guide, artist, creative and leader we are here to be.
It is all connected.
The scared feminine energy is the alchemy that we often muffle or even silence, because we were raised and conditioned to operate as if the deadlines and the bottom lines were more important than our health and our rest. We were taught to silence the feminine in our selves and in our productivity. We were subversively taught to hate it, to fight each other around it. But, when we own it, our power becomes greater than ever.
The sacred feminine in our business is the magic. It is also the key to evolution, growth and expansion over a lifetime.
READ: Letters from Katherine
LISTEN: The She's Sacred Show
FOLLOW: Katherine on Instagram