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Reclaim your sacred feminine power.

This is a portal to return to you.

A portal to return to your self love.

A portal to return to

your magnetic energy.

This is the sacred opportunity to

 reclaim your power,

your energy

and your magic. 

Are you ready?

It's time.

Imagine this...

Your life-

but turned all the way on.

Your life-

but more juicy, pleasurable and fun.

Your life-

but more rooted in your unique power.

I would bet...

I would bet that somewhere along the way to

building an empire and perhaps raising a family,

that your desires, your pleasure and your creativity 

took a back seat to everything else.

How could it not, really? 

You are a powerful human with

big things to do here

on the planet.

I would also bet that you

run your empire

mostly entrenched

(perhaps sometimes unconsciously)

in your masculine energy.

It makes complete sense

if you do,

That's how we were

raised after all. 

And, I would bet that you find yourself tired,

last in a long line of things to take care of,

feeling a little out of sorts,

a little numb, a little tired,

and a lot like there

is something you are missing.

It's almost as if you just can't put your finger on it,

but you know it's there nagging at you.

What's the Sacred Feminine?

The word sacred means

"entitled to reverence and respect."


The sacred feminine 

is a concept and energy

that is rooted in creativity,

receptivity, compassion, nurturing,

sensuality, inclusion,

intuition, mystery,

renewal and

unconditional love. 

We all have the

sacred feminine inside of us,

and during the Sacred Femme Experience

we take the time and energy

to uncover and ignite it all.


And, just in case

you are curious,

we also get really clear

on all the great

and helpful things

the sacred masculine

does for our lives too.

The Sacred Femme Experience



The Sacred Femme Experience

is a 21 Day Interactive Practice Designed For You to 

Reconnect to Your Sacred Self. 


The experience is curated

to connect you back

into yourself so that you

ignite your creativity,

you feel more like yourself

and you open your life 

up to opportunities 

you didn't even realize

were possibilities.

Imagine your life 

after just 21 days

of presence, 

commitment and creativity

It can only be magnificent.

Inside this experience

you will commit to yourself

by eating well, sleeping well,

moving your energy well,

and by releasing any

of the habits

that just don't serve you.

You will make


to return back to

your sacred self.


And, you will

make a commitment

to release any "old" practices

of leadership + success

that just are not in

your highest good anymore.

Hey, I'm Katherine.

I know how tricky it is to find time for yourself to connect in to your power. I know time is limited and you are busy. Me too, friend. Me too. And, I know what life looks like without connecting to your power too. Early in my business days I spent a little too much time scrolling on Instagram searching for the meaning of life and I found myself drinking a little too much wine. I also would find myself numbing out to teenage tv drama on Netflix. And honestly, it wasn't fulfilling. I was running an empire (my business) and managing a home and I felt more disconnected from myself than ever.

It wasn't until I started really listening to my soul that I made changes. I created boundaries around my time and energy. I started a creative practice that was just for me. And, you know what? I became a more grounded mom. I became a better business owner and leader. I was a more magnetic coach. It didn't take too much time in my day to do these practices (especially when I realized how much time I was really scrolling Insta and binging prime time teenage soap operas) and it didn't take long at all to see the energy in my world to shift. 

OK. But who am I to share all of this with you?  Well, I have worked with hundreds of human beings to bring them back to self love. My speciality is in leadership, which flows through my bloodline. I have spent the last 5 years becoming a sacred feminine practioner and this is infused in how I approach my work with industry leaders. I also have an extensive professional history as a psychotherapist and art therapist, and I know the questions to ask and the journal prompts required to unlock your next level. I know how to hold a container of transformation. I am a walking example of my work- and I promise you, if you do the work, only good things will be uncovered.

SFE Payment

Katherine Phifer









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