Wealth offers us power, authority, prestige and privilege. In this episode we are going to dive deep into what that means. And if this is speaking with you, come join La Donna Ricca, The Feminine Energetics of Wealth.
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Hello, and welcome back to the She's Sacred show with Katherine Phifer . I am so excited that you are here. I am thrilled to dive into the wealth series with you. In the last episode, we talked about how we talk about money. Today, we're talking about power, authority, privilege, and prestige. when it comes to money. And this is a very complicated, deep conversation that we likely won't be able to encapsulate the whole energy of it because we just, it, it, we really need like an entire, I don't know, college course on it, master's degree course on, This, which they have. And so we're not going to get to the bottom of it in the next 15 minutes.
However, I do want to talk about it and I want to talk about it with you because we tend to relate money to power, authority, prestige, influence, and privilege. And rightfully so. When we look at the next person walking into the White House and their relationship with money kind of makes sense and the people that he is employing into his cabinet.
Now, this conversation is not about politics. I don't want to talk about politics in here. I want to talk about How we connect power, authority, prestige, privilege, all of those things with wealth dynamics and how that can really complicate the relationship with money and can really influence us. So when I was in graduate school, I took a program called power, privilege, and authority or something like that.
It was pretty hard course. And I was in a room full of 25 other women. all on the spectrum when it came to money. And we did this exercise, somebody brought it as their group project, where they had a list of questions and the more financed, like financial background you had, you'd step forward and the less you had, you'd step behind.
And it came very clear to me that I was the most privileged person in the room. Maybe there was another girl in there that wasn't being completely truthful, but there was definitely two of us in there that had a good amount of privilege walking into the space and it was confronting to me. Not in the sense of having the privilege.
I think I was aware of that and aware of my upbringing and aware of the gifts that my parents had offered for me and my brother because of career choices and upward trajectory. And all of that, they did not start, my parents didn't start. With wealthy beginnings, they really worked themselves up through the career choices that my father made.
And then my mom supported the family. And, and in some cases when we were living overseas, my mom wasn't even able to work. And so because of laws and things like that. The moral of the story is it became very clear to me that I was likely the most privileged person in the room and it bothered me.
And the reason it bothered me didn't necessarily have to do with money. It didn't have to do with how I was taken care of because of that privilege. What bothered me was other people's opinions about me and that they had a new. skewed opinion about who I was because of my privilege and it made me want to be really small.
It made me want to not share. It made me want to keep my life to myself and not give anybody any information about how I lived. And it really impacted my relationship with And the reason why I tell you this is because I know that because of how I was brought up and the color of my skin and the fact that I am cisgendered and heterosexual, all of those things combined creates a lot of power, privilege, and authority for me.
And while I took all of that information and while I completely screwed up my thoughts about money. It also gave me the fire to be someone different and to influence people, knowing that I could show up with my intelligence and my education and my wherewithal and help other people. And that's how I became a therapist and how I started working with teenagers who were in crisis and a lot of teenagers who were homeless.
And also I felt like there wasn't room for me and my story around money because maybe I hadn't struggled enough or maybe I hadn't earned my stripes or I hadn't really, like there was something lesser about me and I had to do a lot of work around that in order to be here now. And yes, I am. I was born into quite a bit of power, privilege, authority, prestige, all of those things.
And I benefit from them. I'm, I'm happy to benefit from them. I'm not going to give them away. Me giving it away is not going to help someone else. Me standing in my power and talking with you right now is going to help change the trajectory of how we do things. If I have money and I can donate money to causes that are important to me around race, around poverty, around things that really matter to me, then I'm doing good.
And if I make decisions based on my realization that because of my skin color or because of my upbringing that I have a leg up. I can do something with that. Now, it doesn't take away that somebody else didn't have that leg up, but we all have things that we have to face. And without diving too deeply into my struggles and trying to prove myself, because that's not where I want to go with this conversation.
I've had deep, powerful wounds that could life or death kinds of wounds. And I know that I am here to have these conversations for a reason. And I also know that I am in this body and had this upbringing in order to have these conversations. There is room for me to talk about this just as much as there should be room for anybody else to talk about this.
And my, my thoughts about this are are not really normal when it comes to Wealth and money and energetics of money. I don't think that the people in the realms that I grew up in really talk about this stuff, but I do. And I want to, because here's the thing. I believe that there is a new wave of leadership.
Where we really embrace the masculine containers and the masculine structure and the feminine creativity and energetics. And in order to see women rise, in order to see women in powerful roles in a healthy, connected, happy way, in order to see that We have to talk about money and we have to talk about wealth energetics because money funds are us.
Money funds us doing the things that we want to do. Money funds our projects. Money funds our missions. So there might be a ton of people out there who have A lot of opinions about wealth and about power and authority, prestige, influence, privilege around finances and around other things. And we have to have a different conversation.
We need a more elevated conversation. It doesn't serve us to play small around finances and wealth, and it doesn't serve us to hide. It also doesn't serve us to be negative and judgmental. Who really cares how people have come into their money, really? I mean, there are inspirational stories out there, uplifting stories about how people have made names for themselves.
Without much behind them that they've really pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and they've created a legacy around their work and around their success. And there are plenty of people that I have known in my upbringing who came from really wealthy backgrounds and did nothing with their lives. I didn't.
They didn't use their education or their wealthy background for good. They just lived their life. They just decided that they were taken care of and they were good and they were happy and so that was fine. Which is, I'm not, I'm not being judgmental about that. I feel like there has to be room for every part of the conversation when it comes to wealth.
And, we live in a paradigm where wealth means something. It means power. It means authority. It means prestige. It means influence. It means privilege. And if we want to be the rich woman, the wealthy woman, we have to continue to have a conversation around what that means for ourselves when it comes to those things.
If wealth means power, if wealth means prestige, if it means influence, if it means privilege, what do we do with those things? How do we activate them? How do we use them for good? How do we serve the world with those things? The conversation isn't about how you landed on them, it's how you're going to use them, what you're going to do about them.
And that was something that I had to really figure out from that class because I just wanted to be small. I didn't want people to judge me because of my upbringing. I didn't want people to judge me because I was lucky. I also didn't want to give them a laundry list of all the reasons why my life was hard because it was.
There are lots of things that I've not shared on the internet or with anyone but my closest friends about what my life looked like. And about the struggles and the hardships that I've faced over my whole life. You also don't need money to have power, authority, prestige, influence, privilege. Money's not the only thing that impacts those things.
However, it is a part of the conversation. And it is, is one of those things where we'll be on the, on Instagram and we'll see someone post about something that's luxurious. Maybe it costs a lot of money. And then the comments are terrible and negative and miserable and activating. And it's all coming from these people's money stories and what they believe about money.
And I think that it does come down to Their concerns around what money means for them and what it means for other people and that it gives other people a power over them or a power that they don't have. And that's why they're activated to be awful on the internet. They're triggered and they want power.
And the only way that they can find power is to make people feel bad. You know, it's like the, the big bully on the, Playground who is just mad. There's this girl in middle school who hated me. And the reason why she hated me so much was because my parents were taking me to Disney world in the middle of school.
And I had bragged a little bit about it. And maybe looking back, I could have kept my mouth shut about how lucky I was to go to Disney world, which I was, but she was pissed. She was mean to me. And at one point she said, I am bullying you. And I was like, Yeah, I just, I don't know what to do with you, so I'm just going to giggle at you.
She didn't like that I giggled at her and that I was stronger than what she wanted. But she was just sad that she wasn't going to Disney World. And she wanted to make me feel bad because I got, I had the privilege that she didn't have. She was jealous. She was mad. She was resentful. But we see that playing out every day on social media.
And honestly, if we allow that to influence us, then we're not able to really have the deeper conversation around being wealthy and around being connected to our money energetics. It's up to us to decide what we want to do with our power, authority, prestige, and influence, while also remembering that wealth provides us with the things that.
And I'm going to talk a little bit about how wealth can create happiness for us. We can be happy without money. We can be in these beautiful relationships without money. But wealth provides a safety and a ability to connect and a ability to do luxurious things. Whatever those luxurious things are. I'm going to talk to you today about how to make money in a way that if we didn't have that wealth, we'd be worried about the money and then we wouldn't be able to connect deeply because we'd be concerned about it when we think about our relationship to money, we have to think about what it means for us and that's what I wanted this conversation to be so today when you're thinking about your relationship with money, I'd like for you to think about how we can You feel about power, authority, influence, prestige, and privilege.
And I'd love for you to think about how you can influence the world in a new way with your wealth dynamics. Maybe it's by donating or investing or showing up with your time, being available, supporting different causes, whatever it is for you. It's to be connected to you, not in a performative way, not in a proving way, just in a, I'm really happy that I was able to donate to this cause.
My husband and I give money every month to certain causes that are important to us. And it feels right. It feels like Here, we can't do a lot around this particular issue that we offer money to, but we can offer money and that means something. Money does matter. This was a hard conversation to have with you, especially in a public space and an intimate public space, because I don't know you and I don't know what you're thinking of me, but I feel like this is an important conversation to have.
And I also feel like it's a world changing conversation to have. And I hope you take this conversation and you have it with someone else. And if you are activated by this conversation, come hang out with me inside of La Donna Rica, the rich woman. It's all about the feminine energetics of wealth. This is a master's level conversation.
This is not money one on one, one on one. This is deep. Deep stuff that we're going to be diving into in a really powerful, magical, elevated way. I can't wait to start. We start January 6th, which I feel like is the perfect day to start. And it's going to be nothing short than life changing. I would love to have you in there.
The program is on sale until the middle of December. So come on in. Can't wait. Sending my love. Talk to you soon.