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letters from katherine



I have spent the last few years in the weeds of strategy when it comes to running a business. To be honest, at some points I made it way more complicated than it needed to be. I really desired to lift my soul work off the ground, and I wanted to know the best way to do that. But, I had no idea how important my energy was in the process. I was determined and desperate for it to work out. I knew the work I was here to do on this planet was bigger than me. And, I wanted to know how.

Melding the strategy (which is housed in our divine masculine) and the energy (housed in the divine feminine) creates potent magic in your business. To be clear, divine masculine and feminine isn't about gender roles. It's about energy. Think about like yin and yang instead of male and female.

The strategy is all about the the containers that support our businesses, the way we market our message and how we show up in our day.

The energy is all about in what way we show up. What are we embodying when we show up? What does our aura look like? What is our internal motivation? Who are we being inside of our client calls or interactions?

What I’ve been taught and have learned in the years of being a soul led entrepreneur is that while the strategy behind getting things done is important, our energy has way more clout. The strategy creates a container and bouncing board for your energy.

In today’s article I want to share with you some of my favorite practices for both implementing strategy and energy in your business and leadership roles.

The Strategy:

In the past I have used a CRM platform to do my client contracts, to schedule my client and podcast appointments, and do a lot of the back end of my business. (I used Dubsado).

Now, I schedule any client calls, complimentary teas or any podcast interviews with an online scheduling platform called Acuity. I am able to create certain types of meetings inside the program. I then can create a weekly schedule that reflects my availability. For example, what works best for my current reality is to meet with clients Tuesday through Thursday in the afternoon. By having the parameters set to these hours, my clients can go into their own portal and sign up for the best times that work for them.

I also have my family's personal online calendar linked up with the Acuity program so that anytime we have an appointment for the boys, or if something is going on with the family it automatically blocks out those hours inside of Acuity.

It took me a long time to figure out what schedule worked best for me and my family. I used to try to be overly accommodating and available to everyone. I found myself burning out with that mindset.

I also am a fan of a paper calendar. While it’s extra work to have a online calendar and a paper one- the paper calendar helps me plan and see my days and months in a different way. My favorite planners are by Emily Ley.

For client contracts I have been using Hello Sign, and they are great.

Online businesses tend to require some kind of social media and email strategy to share their offerings. I am quite intuitive with my content and try not to plan too far into the future. However, I have started to play with planning my content a week or two ahead. I allow myself the freedom to create posts on the fly, but I love having a few things prepared so that I don't create content when I am rushed. My favorite app for scheduling Instagram and Facebook posts is Plann. I can pop an image into the grid (so I can see what it will look like next to the others on Instagram). I can also write my caption on my computer- which is a lot easier for me than writing on my phone.

In regards to having a marketing plan and strategy, what has worked best for me is to not get too tied up in my goals or attempting to create a year long sales plan. I recommend taking some time to figure out what works best for you when it comes to a marketing plan for your work.

For emails I use a platform called Flodesk. I started with Mailchimp and have also used Convertkit. Flodesk and Mailchimp are alot a like, and what I like about Flodesk is their “drop and go“ content features and how easy it is to have a email workflows when someone signs up to to receive my free offers.

As a business owner with important, life changing offers in the work that I do, I try to share my programs in most of my business’ social media posts and emails. My strategy is to first share some kind of energetic, life shifting content and then share what’s available to download for free or to purchase inside my business at that time.

The Energy:

While the strategy is fabulous to set a business up for success, like I said above, the energy is where it’s at. I have a few daily practices to get into the energy I desire to embody.

First, every morning, after I’ve made my morning drink (which could be coffee, matcha or hot water with lemon, depending on my mood and how happy my tummy is), I sit down in my favorite spot in the house and take 60 seconds to connect into the earth. I close my eyes, and imagine a bright, white cord connecting my root chakra into the earth. This practice grounds me and allows me to channel my message in a powerful way.

Later in the day I try to give myself 20 minutes to reconnect with myself and my body. I really like to meditate or do a hypnosis during this time, but a nice walk in nature also does the trick. I use this as my transition time from work mode to family mode. After this practice I try to focus more on my family, dinner and then winding down for the day.

At night I have a strict “no social media” rule. I try not to break it. I have app limits set on my phone that prompt me to think about whether or not I want to access my social media apps. About an hour before bed I read abundance mantras and reconnect to my current vision that I have typed out in an online journal. I also write out the things I am manifesting and my gratitude list for the day. Melding Strategy + Energy Takes Time

Melding the strategy with the energy can take some time to get organized. I recommend spending some time figuring out what best works for you and your business when it comes to how you practice each.

If things aren‘t working on either side of you work, this is your invitation to be curious about doing something different.



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