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letters from katherine


If Hermione Had a Sisterhood

There are lots of opportunities for community out there. Networking groups for your business. Social connections through work. But, I want a place where I can show up in my full Hermione Granger self (a bit awkward, smart and unintentionally silly) and you in your full Hermione Granger self, and be loved for it.

Do you crave a sisterhood?

I sure do. A sisterhood of the most dreamy, sparkly, soul affirming humans. A sisterhood where we share our wins and our challenges. A sisterhood we can grow individually and together. A place where we can bounce our lives off of each other.

Here's what I propose… let's all get together as our authentic, beautiful, raw selves and become the brighter, sparklier versions we are meant to be.

My love, just for a few more short days you can join the Sacred Her Membership at 50% off the founders rate (this is the softest launch ever). When I was dreaming this community up, I wanted to create an online, global community where we could do two things: connect deeply with our sacred selves AND be in community with others who are on a life path of deeply knowing themselves.

Inside, we will meet twice a month over zoom for the New Moon and Full Moon (with recordings) and throughout the year for every Celtic Holidays (Samhain, Yule/Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha/Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, Mabon). My intention is that the sacred feminine inside us loves cycle and ritual, and this is our opportunity for deep connect with ourselves and our soul sisters.

If you crave to feel juicy, fulfilled, connected, expansive- where your soul work lights you up and your relationships feel like a vibe, where you wake up every single day in astonishment and gratitude for what you've aligned with and created… this is your invitation to go in.

On Friday night, the membership price doubles. There's no long term commitment (I just ask that you stay for 3 months so that you experience the cycles and depths before deciding to leave). If you are feeling called to join- there will never be a better time than now.

If you don't know how you will make the time to come to the calls, or how to make meeting over zoom magical, I have some tips here: How to Make the Sacred Her Membership Magical

What do you have to lose?

Come on in… I am waiting for you.

Also, if you already know you desire an even deeper container for your own self love, intimacy and connection- because your soul knows this is the path to more of what your heart desires… my signature program LOVER is open for enrollment. This is a 12 week, deeply intimate invitation that begins on February 14th, 2024. If you join before Friday I am gifting you three months of The Sacred Her Membership for free (to begin immediately!) READ MORE ABOUT LOVER HERE.

And, if you are desiring a year of expansion, depth, connection and rising… The Sacred Her Mastermind is also open for enrollment. This is a high level growth opportunity with a deep level of intimacy. Available for three people only, this is the only way to work with me privately in 2024. Right now there is a 15 month payment plan option. Connect with me via DM on Instagram to chat about the Mastermind.

Katherine Phifer









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