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letters from katherine

Maybe it was the season of year, maybe it was the unique time in our world, maybe it was a combination of internal and external changes... but January of 2021 definitely was hard in my world. And, I was making it harder. I was digging my heels in and wanting it to be different than what it was. I was pushing myself to MOVE when I didn't really want to. I wanted it to be perpetual summer and it was definitely winter inside my world.

I wanted abundance, creativity, flow, and connectedness when all I felt was bleak, tired and uninspired. This has happened before. In fact, every winter for the past 5 years I have noticed a season where I feel void of creativity. It's almost a combination of depression and anxiety. And every winter it shocks me just the same.

But this year I realized what my mentors had been trying to teach me all along... There is no such thing as being "in flow" 24/7. There's no such thing as perpetual summer (even if you live in a perpetually summer like climate) and there is no such thing as burning the midnight oil without getting a little burnt out.

Something happened this past month that allowed me to see this season of void in a much different way. I realized I was approaching it all wrong, not that there was something wrong with me. Up until this current winter period, I believed that if I changed my diet, had a better routine, did things in a more systemized and less messy way that I would always be on fire. I believed that if I just "got" whatever was missing that would always have enduring energy and be bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Um, no. The world conditions us to believe that there is something missing from us if we aren't feeling like an everlasting energizer bunny. For me, it happened in school, in work, in parenthood and in life. I would rally, thinking something was wrong with me, and push myself even harder. Which of course led to more burnout, exhaustion and feeling devoid of creativity and abundance.

Granted, perhaps I could have tweaked some things to feel better (I could have). But even if I did do those things differently, like revamping my diet, getting better sleep and committing to better self care, I would still experience times of winter (or what I call "Blah.")

What I realized this year was that the time of Blah is just as important as the time of Yay. In the winter time we hibernate- but we also are cooking things up in our unconscious that we have no idea about. For me, I was cooking up an entire new membership program. I was planning my new ways of engaging in the world with my energy in the forefront of my mind. I was learning how to give myself grace.

But, because I was tired of feeling like I was rapping my head against a brick wall every January, I started to get curious. What would be helpful during the season of Blah? What would support me? What would help it to feel less hard?

Here's what I discovered when I got really curious:

1) I gave myself permission to take a break, and to plan my year of 2022 knowing that January is hard enough as it is without adding the pressure of trying to be creative. January is my month to sleep in, to go to bed early, to watch movies in bed. It's a time for some work, but any sort of rah, rah celebration because it's the new year is not for me. I don't work like that. When October, November and December of 2021 come around, I'll be prepared for a January of quiet.

2) I went back to the basics with my daily rituals. The ones I talk about in my free guide Daily Rituals for Your Abundant Life (This used to be titled Daily Rituals for Your Magical Life- but I feel abundance is what I'm really talking about, you can grab your own copy by clicking on the title or through the image below). The three daily rituals of creating space and time during the day are what keep me grounded and connected. Especially the afternoon one. Once I was back to meditating in the afternoon, I was able to be nicer to my children at night. I was also able to feel like the world wasn't so overwhelming right before dinner time.

3) I started looking for the sparkle in my everyday life. The sparkle existed in my life in so many ways, I just had to remember to see it. I made a mission for myself, The Mission Sparkle Challenge, to notice sparkle in my day to day life. And I started to find it in my dinners, my mocktails, and my meditations. I started sharing it on Instagram for proof to myself that it was there. The sparkle is the abundance, you see. When I started to notice that abundance was all around me, I was able to also feel more abundant internally.

Abundance is an inside job. No one else can provide you with abundance. You have to see it, feel it, and experience it with your own eyes and in your own body. What symbolizes abundance for me may be different than what it means for you. What ignites sparkle for you? What do you need to let go of in order to let more of it in your life? What do you need to structure into your day to feel more of it? Once you do, whether it's a season of Blah, or a season of Yay, your abundance won't change.

Here's to an abundant winter. Which will likely grow the most beautiful flowers for a bright spring.

Sending my love,

Katherine xx

P.S. If you are interested in increasing your abundance and would love some support creating and mapping out more abundance in love, life, work and money... check out my new 1:1 90 minute Abundance Blueprint Session through the "Work With Katherine" link below.

A few years ago I started picking a word for my next year. And, surprisingly, it stuck through the year. I would think about the word, have it posted, and reflect on it at the end of the year. It was the one thing I did that seemed to stay with me. Resolutions did not. The whole New Year, New Me vibe would fall off by the time February rolled around, and I would feel kinda like I failed. But the whole practice of picking out a word was really fabulous. I also picked a color (it has always been gold) that would match my word.

In those recent years, words like abundance, uncharted and expansive have guided me throughout the entire calendar year.

When picking a word, I recommend thinking about how you want to feel for the whole year. This is an easy way to stay focused on the next level you want to take yourself, and then reflect back on and realize that you are actually doing it! (For example, the year my word was "abundance" I started my coaching business, went to London and Paris with my love AND moved into a new house. The year my word was uncharted, I dived into new unknowns with my health and also with my business).

Down below I share with you three fun ways to "find" your word so that you aren't feeling like you are going around in circles about it.

But before we talk about ways to find your word, let's chat about mantras. Just like your word, a mantra is guiding statement that allows you to stay focused on how you want your year to look and feel. A mantra, like a belief, allows you to recode your mind to see the world in a different way.

One of my favorite mantras is "What's meant for me will not pass me by." When thinking about a mantra, you can literally pick any statement you want! Perhaps you want to focus on your money story this year, a great mantra could be "Money loves me." Or maybe you are ready for manifesting happy love, your mantra could be "Healthy, happy love is meant for me."

And, if you'd like to take your word and mantra to the next level, you could also set goals for yourself for the year. I find that this time of year is fabulous to reflect on how things went for the last calendar year and what you desire for the next year. Not in a resolution-y kind of way, but in a growth kind of way.

For example, maybe your word for 2021 is abundance, and your mantra is "What's meant for me will not pass me by." Your goals could be around how you desire to expand your abundance and how to be open to what's meant for you.

Here are three ways to find your word and mantra:

The first way is to let yourself dream about what you want 2021 to be like and to bring to you. Do you want more time? More love? More friendships? More wealth? More learning? Free write your dreams and write about how it would feel to have whatever you want more of in your life. Then, pick the feeling that feels like it sums up the experience the best. Then, base your mantra on an expanded version of your word.

The second way to find a word is to write out all the words, feelings and beliefs (mantras) that you'd like 2021 to be an example of. Cut out each word, organize them by word or mantra into two separate bowls and pick one from each bowl! Let the Universe decide for you!

And third, a fun way to find your word and mantra for 2021 is put on some soft music, close your eyes and allow the words to come to you. You'll know when the word and mantra are the right fit.

Here are some ideas for words and mantras for your 2021 year:










Progress over perfection.

What's meant for me will not pass me by.

Abundance is my birthright.

It's easy to be healthy.

My life is full of fun, ease and inspiration.

Here's to a healthy, happy, inspired 2021.

With love,


P.S. If you loved this....

You can find me daily(ish) here talking about food, abundance, leadership, love, fashion and much more:

Instagram: Katherine Phifer

I have so many food photos in my phone that it created a montage of the photos with music for me. ❤️

I am a BIG foodie. Love food. I think about food even when I am not hungry. And I apparently love to take photos of my meals and sometimes share them on the internet. I realized the other day that I could totally be a food blogger.

So this recipe... It's so good. I loved it. Tony loved it. Even the boys demolished it. And there's seriously so much you can do with it. The boys ate it with regular spaghetti pasta. You could also use another type of pasta, gnocchi or even that cauliflower gnocchi from Trader Joe's.

Ingredients List

Spaghetti Squash or your chosen pasta

Olive Oil

Yellow Onion- About 1/2 of the Onion Finely Chopped

Garlic- 3 finely chopped cloves

Fennel- 1 cup finely chopped

Basil- 1/2 cup finely cut, plus extra to top the dish with

28 oz can of San Marzano Crushed Tomatoes

Kalamata Olives- 1/4 to 1/2 cup, pitted and sliced in half or quarters

White Wine or Vegetable Broth- 1/2 cup

Kosher Salt


Red Pepper Flakes- 1/4 teaspoon

Parmesan Cheese (shredded or flakes)

Optional Protein:

Grilled White Fish (or pan seared and oven cooked)




Set your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Slice your spaghetti squash in half and scoop the seeds out.

Gently drizzle olive oil onto the cut side of the spaghetti squash, rub it around and add a pinch or two of kosher salt and pepper to the cut side of the squash. Keep the squash cut side up on a baking sheet and cook for 30 to 35 minutes. You should be able to take a fork and create little noodles from the squash when it's done.

While the squash is cooking... (or you could start your pan for boiling water if you are using pasta)...

Start with a large skillet and 1 Tablespoon of olive oil. Once the oil is hot add the onion, garlic and red pepper flakes. Cook until onions are golden, about 5 minutes.

Add the fennel and cook until all of the vegetables are soft and translucent (about 5 minutes).

Add the basil, wine (or broth), olives, 1 teaspoon of salt and a pinch of black pepper. Reduce to low and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until your squash/pasta is done. (If you are making pasta, I highly recommend cooking it with a good pinch of kosher salt. The salt brings out the flavor of the pasta.)

Once your squash is done, take a fork to your cooked squash and drag it along the cut side. Little noodles will come out. Scoop those into a bowl and top with sauce. Add any kind of protein you like. Grilled fish or meatballs would be yummy with this. Add a fine Parmesan and a little extra basil to top and serve.

This would be delicious with a nice side salad.


P.S. If you loved this....

You can find me daily(ish) here talking about food, abundance, leadership, love, fashion and much more:

Instagram: Katherine Phifer

And don't miss my free e-guide Daily Rituals for a Magical Life!

Katherine Phifer









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