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letters from katherine

The better it gets, the better it gets. A few of my mentors have said this... and recently it landed on me in a new way.

What if we rise? What if things only get better? What if we quantum shift from whatever is keeping us in a perpetual feast + famine and only subscribe to the feast?

Would that make us greedy? Out of touch? Un-relatable?

Or would that create safety for us to do our jobs and influence the people we are here to support in a whole new way?

What if it gets better and stays that way? What if we don't have to subscribe to a way of thinking that the good only comes around so often and that no matter what kind of good we experience that it has to come with a downfall?

I used to say "This is great... but...."

For example, "My business is doing so well this month, but who knows what it will look like next month."

Or, "The boys are in a really good place and things are flowing right now, but who knows what next week will be like."

Or, "I am feeling so good in my body today, but who knows how I will feel like tomorrow."

Even if things felt good, I would set myself up to be prepared for the downfall. For every single situation in my life.

But here's the shift:

What if my business gets to do well, and have sustainable, continuous and growing income every month?

What if my boys + my family get to be on a trajectory that things get to feel good all of the time, not just every once in a while?

What if I get to feel on fire and flourishing in my body everyday, not just some days?

What if the better it gets, the better it gets?

Play around with the thought that your success, bliss or happiness doesn't have to come with a side order of hardship too. We can do hard things, but we don't have to subscribe to hard-er as a default.

What if more aligned clients + business flow to you?

What if you work less, but more potently?

What if your creativity is intuitively based and not pushed due to a deadline?

What if your relationship with money gets easier?

What if you feel really good in your body all of the time?

What if your relationships with your partner or kids gets to be more connected?

A good amount of my work for myself and with my beautiful clients is that we get to subscribe to a different kind of life than we were programmed for.

The better it gets, the better it gets.



Sovereign: Possessing supreme or ultimate power; freedom from external control.

Feminine: Features of a woman; compassion, empathy, collaboration, connection and candor.


There is a new paradigm in the business + leadership world. Have you felt the shift? As we embrace both the divine masculine + divine feminine energies in our world (not defined by gender, but by yin + yang) we expand our reach, our message and our wealth. By connecting into both flow and production, we find that our lives feel juicer, more connected and flourishing.

This is how the coach, creative, healer, visionary and leader shares her unique gifts with the world. This is how our soul work create impact, change and influence.

This is how we elevate our message, sustain our lives and create prosperity on all levels.

We have discovered that burning ourselves to dust is not a sustainable way to live. We want to flourish in every area of our lives. We know that if one area of our life is amiss, our entire life is amiss. We do not compartmentalize. We can't do that any more. We are unavailable to playing games. We no longer subscribe to scarcity. We do not welcome mis-alignment. We aren't meant to push. We aren't meant to force. We aren't meant to convince. We aren't meant to run our lives from a wounded masculine or feminine place.

We are meant to stand in our power and welcome people into our realms so that they can elevate with us.

We live in layered, detailed and multi-faceted microcosms. As sovereign, feminine leaders we embrace that pieces of our lives impact the whole. We embrace our feminine flow with our masculine structure. We heal our wounded parts so that we can change the world from a deeply grounded place. We meld all of the messy, juicy, connectedness of our lives so that we can live and work authentically. We are all experts of our crafts. We are all leaders of our work + lives. We are all partners in this sovereign path.

Three key qualities of a sovereign leader are:

#1. A Sovereign Leader embodies + owns her sovereignty. Embodied sovereignty is all about being conscious of your life and how you move through your life.

Here's three questions you can ask yourself when it comes to sovereignty:

• What are you engaging in right now that is either lifting you up or bring you down?

• What is fueling you- energetically, spiritually, physically?

• What is draining you- energetically, spiritually, physically?

#2. A Sovereign Leader is dedicated to her daily Queen Rituals. Rituals can be anything that grounds you, lights you up, and creates a feeling of flourishing. I recommend three daily ritual practices in the morning (journaling, meditation, oracle card reading) in the mid-day (walk, meditation, grounding, art making) and in the evening (self love, bath/shower, juicy novel, meditation, journal writing, gratitude practice.)

#3. A Sovereign leader is full of boundaries love. Boundaries are a fabulous way to create structure and feelings of safety throughout the day. This can included boundaries with clients., with your work hours, with job responsibilities and with how you price your offers. Boundaries can also be about your self.

Here's three questions you can ask yourself about your boundaries:

• What are you allowing for your self?

• What do you do that is not in your highest favor?

• Where are boundaries important in your life with your family, kids, friends, love and life?

The new paradigm encourages you to let your sovereignty be your guide. It's your inner compass. It helps you along your beautiful path to creating change in people's lives. It's the catalyst for new ways to lead, build your business and create exponential wealth.

Until next time, be amazing and do fabulous things.

Katherine xx

Sovereign Leader is my new signature program + portal + mastermind. Join once, stay a lifetime. Reclaim your feminine power + step into your next level of leadership and wealth. Join the WAITLIST for up to the minute updates of when we start.

And if you'd like to receive my blog articles delivered directly to your email, you can sign up to receive my love letters HERE.

It's not about stepping into your next level. It's about embodying her from the inside out.

Becoming the Sovereign Leader of your life, your business and your soul work, is all about embodying the Queen you desire to be. It's about saying yes to the things, thoughts and practices that ignite your soul, while gently excusing yourself from everything else. It's about allowing yourself to speak your truth and shine from the inside out.

It's about hearing those little thoughts that say "Maybe it would be better if....". Even if the "better if" means a lot more work. And often, when we say yes to ourselves, it means some kind of shedding.

Here's what I found out about myself as I did the work to become a Sovereign Leader:

I was a good and nice girl.

But, there was a little bit of a rebellious piece to me.

I was a healer.

But I fit my gifts into a box.

I wanted to stand out.

But I sat on the sidelines.


I was a leader.

But I thought I had to lead from a place of pushing & scarcity.


I was a mother.

But, I felt like I was failing.

For me, this process has led to a culmination of deep and healing work. Shedding the good and nice girl, the one who tried desperately to fit in, and who put her power outside of herself. I found myself desiring for more. I didn't want to burn myself out to dust. I wanted to claim my unique gifts and powers and I knew there was an answer deep within me. I wanted to be a female leader who embodied abundance, love and grounded power.

I wanted to run a soul aligned business that served my people while also fully serving me. I didn't want to live my mission by being in a constant state of feast and then famine when it came to my energy. I didn't want to say yes to things because of a feeling of lack or scarcity. I wanted to work from a place of grounded soul.

And I found, after doing extensive research in all the business and spirituality realms that I could find and that I felt aligned to, that the answers were found in my unique blueprint. My first coach supported me with my business and that's how I became a relationship coach and started The Happy Love Project. Some of work I did in B-School still fits into what I do for my online business today. Some of the work I did in The Spirit Junkie Masterclass is part of leading a spiritually based business. Money Queen by Jenna Black changed my life. I invested a whole lot of money in social media courses that were helpful. I absorbed advice from all the leaders I could find that felt aligned. I did the healing physical work of taking my health outside of the box and allowing to heal from the inside out by seeking health coaches and functional medicine providers.

Here's what I found on the journey: My work is my ministry (I just got that from Sarah Jenks, she's one of my spirituality mentors). My work is to meditate, to vision, to dream. My work is to expand the limits. To inspire. To hold. To help heal. My work is to connect deeply with my soul clients and support them to find a way to do life + business + leadership in a way that serves them, not depletes them. We are together to expand. To revel in the magic of this life. And be the light workers. We are here to shape our roles into something that suits the whole of us- not just a part.

If you desire for something different in your life. I have a feeling you are ready to do life, business and leadership in a whole new way.

Sitting on the sidelines, putting our power outside of ourselves, feeling burnt out often, and operating from a place of pushing and scarcity is the old way of doing things. We are ready to expand our leadership, businesses and wealth to a whole new level.

We are ready to combine the flow based feminine container with divine masculine practices. We are ready to be sovereign leaders.

My love, if you are interested in taking this conversation deeper and to do some magical work around your business and expand your leadership + wealth to the next level, please join the waitlist for The Sovereign Leader. This is my signature program + portal+ vortex that will solidify you as the Sovereign Leader. You can join the waitlist HERE.

And if you'd like to receive these post delivered directly to your email, you can receive my love letters HERE.

Until next time, be amazing and do fabulous things.

Katherine xx

Katherine Phifer














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