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letters from katherine

If you are a coach, healer, wellness provider, visionary and business owner, you are a leader. Welcome to the club! You are here to influence change on micro and/or macro levels. This work can be challenging. It's not for the weary, really. By becoming an agent of change, who desires to make a difference in this world, I know that you don't take your work lightly. You are here because your mission is bigger than you. (Even if you aren't quite sure what your mission is yet.)

In order to do your work without burning to dust, there is a fair amount of self care required. This can include the bubble baths and journal writing, but more importantly, it requires you to make decisions that serve your mission. That may mean changing your diet, or giving up foods or drinks you love because your energetic frequency is much stronger when you don't have those things. Or it might mean making strong boundaries with the people around you so that you are able to show up and do your work well.

You are the vessel for your mission and practice. You are the Sovereign Leader. By embodying that person, you become a greater agent of change. You influence lives more deeply. And perhaps you reap the benefits more powerfully.

Today I am going to share with you a couple magical practices you can use to protect yourself as a sovereign leader. I personally use magic in my daily practices to help keep me connected and protected. If this feels a bit too woo for you, please, no worries. While I am a huge fan of infusing magic and spirit into the work I do... you might not be, and that's so ok. Also, as I share with you my practices (or spells as I like to call them), please know that I created these to work for my life. I invite you to develop your own or to take mine and adapt them to your own life.

Protection Magic #1:

I am a huge fan of crystals and the energetic frequency of crystals. I use black tourmaline by my computer and bed to ward off and repel any unwanted energies. I use shungite next to my computer to keep the EFTS in check as well as any energies that might seep through the computer that don't feel aligned. I charge my crystals in the full moonlight (usually on the windowsill). I am also a huge fan of citrine to call in more abundance, and rose quartz for aligned love.

One way to know if a crystal is going to work with you and your energetic frequency, is to hold the crystal in your hands and right at base of your sternum. Close your eyes and clear your mind. If your body moves forward, your energy and body require the crystal. If it moves backwards, your energy and body don't need it right now. (You can do the same thing for essential oils).

Protection Magic #2:

I do this spell every single night, right before I go to sleep. It has shifted my sleep in so many ways, and I feel more grounded and protected by the energies that might flow into my realm at night.

Just after I turn out the light, I close my eyes and imagine myself cutting the cords with every person I interacted with that day. I imagine cutting cords with my Instagram and Facebook feed too. This allows me to take my power back. I often say a statement that aligns with recalling my energy, while lovingly sending everyone else's energy back to them.

I then imagine a gold bubble starting from one end of my house and completely engulfing the entire house. My bubble is see-through with sparkles, of course. I then imagine this bubble staying in place and protecting me and my family. I ask that it keep unwanted energy out and while allowing us to sleep.

I hope these magical practices serve you in the work you do!

Katherine xx

I'm all about a good makeover. Stale energy out, new energy in. The cool thing about makeovers (the kind I like, at least) is that they accentuate what already exists. They support you to elevate what's working, and to let go of what isn't. Makeovers signal to ourselves and the world that we've had an upgrade and we are ready for new vibes in our lives.

An abundance makeover is all about shifting how you see and do prosperity- on all levels of your life. When you start to shift how you approach money, you also shift how you approach love, relationships and friendships. And, honestly, you can go through many abundance makeovers throughout your life.

When I decided to be done with scarcity and drama in love, I was done. I was ready to manifest and attract in a new kind of love. And I did. When I decided that I was done with playing by the scarcity rules in running my business, I learned a new way to connect with my soul clients. When I decided that my health needed an upgrade, I dove in with both feet and shifted how I interacted with my entire life in order to feel better in my body. All of these things played a part in upgrading my abundance, holistically.

And then, I realized that in order to shift how other's approached their own leadership roles, and how they impacted lives on the micro and macro levels, that abundance was a key player to the foundation of their legacy. Because when you feel better, everything around you is better. When you feel abundant, you attract more abundance. When you create a foundation of flourishing, it all flourishes. There's no longer a scarcity game, or a burnout game or even a feast and famine game. The abundance foundation ends up creating sustainable, flourishing prosperity. And it gets to be easy. It gets to be fun.

If you want to subscribe to a hustling mentality because it makes you feel successful, I say go for it. But if hustling makes you feel like crap, and if it burns out your soul, let's find another way to approach life, work and leadership. If hustling lands you feeling like you have to sacrifice something else in your life, then it might be time to ask yourself if that kind of thinking and moving actually works for you?

I used to hustle like my life depended on it. And then I would get sick. Or, I would feel like I was not being the best mommy I could be. Or, I felt like my time wasn't my own. Getting good at hustling meant that I learned how to work hard and to work fast. I was an efficient, perpetual moving machine. I was up at the crack of dawn, organizing my family and awake into the night, trying to calm my anxiety. I lived for my vacations. I worked and worked until I was satisfied that my work was done. And my body, my mind and my soul suffered. I felt even more scarcity because there was nothing left to give to myself. I felt stuck on a hamster wheel, and if I got off, I would fail.

And then one day I realized that my life didn't have to be this way, even if my entire whole world said so. I was ready to do things my way, and to feel more abundance than I ever had before. I searched for new ways to think and be. I looked for mentors that would inspire life long change in how I approached things. I allowed myself to let go of the anxiety of not appearing perfect. I wasn't a perfect mommy, I was a good mommy. I wasn't a perfect leader, I was a good leader. I wasn't a perfect therapist or coach, I was a good one. And that made all of the difference.

My prosperity started with changing my relationship with abundance. I began to shift how I saw the world. I let go of behaviors like people pleasing and perfectionism. I believed I was worthy of prosperity on every level of my life- in love, in relationships, in friendships, in money and in work.

The paradigm around how we show up and get to live in this world is shifting. We are becoming more conscious of our relationship with abundance and how it impacts our entire lives. We are changing how we think and how we approach our own prosperity. We are inviting in more cash flow, more love, healthier lifestyles, healthier relationships and better connections with the people we lead (clients or employees). We are taking our power back when it comes to our own prosperity. We are allowing new ways to see and be become our next guidepost to feeling connected and happy. The work is deep, and it means shifting into a whole new way of showing up in this world.

If you are ready for an abundance makeover, I would love to invite you into my new program The Prosperity Blueprint. This is a three week, fast activating program that will uncover your unique prosperity blueprint so that you experience all of the abundance that is meant for you. As a leader, coach, visionary or healer, I know you are here to do big things and this program supports you to create a foundation of abundance so that you impact your work, on a micro and macro level, with ease.

The live round of this program begins on Monday, April 26th, 2021 and I would absolutely love to have you in there! You can read about the program and grab your seat HERE.

With love,


PS. If you'd love to have these weekly messages sent directly to your inbox, you can sign up for my love letters HERE.

I’ve been having a French moment.

My current Pinterest feed is full of French women’s beauty routines, red lipsticks, lovely spring dresses, whole foods and Parisian apartments. I've got "Summer Lounge De Provence" playlist on Spotify playing every evening in our house.

It’s a total vibe that I love spending time dreaming and playing with. In fact, I rearranged my living room to feel just a bit more "Parisian apartment" and I have been pulling out all of my red lipsticks (to wear around the house!).

It dawned on me that my fascination with France and French women is the idea that life gets to be sensual, connected and best of all, simple.

My leadership of my business, my work, and the people I support can be both in the flowy feminine and the structured masculine. It can be rooted in the Goddess. It can be a strong energy without being forced. It can feel like a “yes” while also serving me.

There’s time for lingering hot cups of coffee (or whatever hot drink I am indulging in at the moment); and for making healthy, delicious meals; and for spending time with my beautiful family; and for walks with with my husband Tony; and for juicy naps; and for work that changes the world on a micro and macro level.

There’s time and room for that. There’s prosperity in the iconic French-ness. I am making an impact while also fueling my soul. And all I can say is "Yum."

Instead of pushing, forcing and anxiously holding onto my need for control, I am finding so much more when I let it go and flow. The abundance is found when I make room for it. It's found when I listen to my body, mind and soul. It's found when I don't hold so tightly to the outcome. As a woman who likes to get things done and who is driven to be successful, incorporating a more French Woman attitude has been a breath of fresh air for me.

Do sensuality and leadership go together. Yes.

As women we have been taught for centuries that sensuality is wrong. And so we hid that part of ourselves. We buried our sensuality deep underneath the layers of roles and job descriptions and responsibilities. We did our work, became partners and sometimes mothers. We birthed ideas and businesses, but we forgot a huge piece of ourselves. We adopted certain ways to be in our jobs, so that we weren't presumed to be weak or out of control. We hustled. We appeared perfect. We sacrificed a bit of ourselves to fit in and to succeed. We found ourselves stressed, sick and our adrenals fatigued. We found ourselves not listening to our intuition and second guessing our choices. We found ourselves disconnected.

But now, we are in the middle of an awakening. And we are changing how we run our businesses, how we lead, how we create, how we coach and how we heal. And, it feels so much better. It feels more aligned. It feels more on purpose. It feels more abundant than ever before.

Balls aren't dropped when we align with the flow. In fact, we make room for what's more aligned. We indulge in the everyday pleasures of life. We allow ourselves to live and be, instead of over working and always being in a hurry. We invite more prosperity in- whether that be money, or love, or friendships or clients or better work situations. We aren't sacrificing anything by creating more time and space in our lives, in fact I'd like to bet that we are creating more abundance on all levels.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are moving into spring and summer. These months always feel like they are energetic and flow based. And as I incorporate more of a French vibe in how I do things, it feels a lot more exciting.

If this message is resonating with your heart, and you are ready for way more abundance in your life, I'd like to invite you to The Prosperity Blueprint. This is a 3 week, fast activating program and portal for you to up level your abundance on every single level of your life. (Money of course, but love, friendships, clients, work situations.... the list goes on and on.) It is designed for a leader, coach, healer or creative in mind, but anyone can join us and it is going to be absolutely magical. You can read more about the program and reserve your seat by going here: THE PROSPERITY BLUEPRINT. The first live round starts April 26, 2021.

Until next time, be amazing and do fabulous things.

Katherine xx

📸 in Paris, 2017 on the most dreamy trip with my love. (This selfie was taken at the Beautiful You Coaching Academy Inspiration Day).

PS. If you'd like to receive these article posts send directly to your inbox, plus news about my upcoming podcast, Flourish with Katherine Phifer, and a dose of magic each week, you can subscribe to my newsletter HERE.

Katherine Phifer









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